AJ Independent
Jan 29, 2021
The Tempe Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking and Drug Use has agreed to provide StandUp
AJ with coaching, training and support...

StandUp AJ was formed in 2020 and replaced a drug-prevention coalition that started serving
Apache Junction in 2008 and dissolved.
Volunteers are needed to join others who range from community members to law-enforcement
officials, educators and National Guard Counter Drug Task Force representatives.
The group meets by Zoom at 2 p.m. the last Wednesday of each month; register at
Follow the group on Facebook @standUPapachejct.
The website is http://standupaj.com.
For more information, contact Shelly Verley at srverley@gmail.com or Arizona National Guard
Counter Drug Task Force representative Sgt. Ashley Thompson at
A $96,594 grant to StandUp AJ comes through the Arizona state opioid response grant, Arizona
Health Care Cost Containment System and the Substance Abuse Coalition Leaders of Arizona.
The grant provides funding for the Tempe coalition to support the newly formed StandUp AJ in
training, technical assistance and mentoring so StandUp AJ is able to actively participate in the
statewide Substance Abuse Coalition Leaders of Arizona coalition project for the collective
development, dissemination and evaluation of community-based prevention and education
materials related to fentanyl, counterfeit pills and psychostimulants.