Today we are bringing you a technique that can help you or your teen to handle anxiety in a healthy way.

So your feeling that familiar tightness in your chest, negative thoughts have gripped you and refuse to let you go. Your mood is tanking and the walls are metaphorically closing in. What do you do?
S: Stop! Stop everything you are doing and press a hard pause on all your thoughts and actions.
T: Take a deep breath. Place your hand on your stomach so you can fill the air filling up and slowly releasing. Bring yourself to the present.
O: Observe. Observe everything, start with your body and what you can see, hear, smell etc. Move on to your emotions, what are you feeling right now. Lastly what is your mind saying right now - is it true? is it helpful? What assumptions are you making? Can you change the narrative?
P: Proceed. Continue on with what you were doing as you try to hold on to this new mindset.
We hope this helps next time you are struggling with some anxiety and gets you back on track with your emotions .
❓ Do you have a preferred technique that helps YOU with anxiety? Share below in the comments.