Have your kids watched Inside Out 2? It can be a great tool for starting a conversation about emotions and mental health as a family.

🥰🥶😡 One of the great things this movie teaches kids is all about the importance of embracing new emotions and how it's okay to have lots of different emotions even if they aren't all joy.
It also talks about anxiety and how in doses it can actually be good for us, but too much can work against us.
Check out this article on "5 Powerful Mental Health Lessons We Can All Learn from Inside Out 2" at https://globalcounselingsolutions.org/mental-health-lessons-we-can-learn-from-inside-out-2/
Have some fun with it, here are some activities you can do that help kids explore their emotions that are all about the movie.
"👉 Message to Headquarters" activity: https://ymiclassroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/io2_act3.pdf
👉Printable Inside Out Emotions Board Game: