💭 Taking an active role in your kids' online activities helps ensure that they benefit from them without being exposed to the potential dangers - drug dealers, cyber bullies, identity theft, and more.

📶 Setting guidelines for children's internet and phone use is vital for their online safety and overall well-being. It is important to establish clear boundaries on screen time, monitor the content they access, and educate them about cyber risks. Encouraging open communication and setting a good example are also key aspects of fostering a healthy digital environment for kids. Check out these tips: https://www.safekids.com/rules-for-family-cell-phone-use/
Our website has internet and phone contracts for youth! Check them out here and scroll down to "Parents and Caregivers": https://www.standupaj.org/onlinesafety
📲 Care to learn more about different apps, along with the risks and benefits for children and young people? Check out the resources on this website today: https://www.internetmatters.org/resources/apps-guide/