This week we challenge you to create a self-care menu. This is a great activity to do with the youth in your life. Create the menu, decorate, and hang it up somewhere to be at the front of your minds. Another idea is to pick a specific time of day to dedicate to your self-care menu.

Need some ideas for your menu? Here is a list to get started -
Call or text someone you love
Drink a cup of tea or coffee
Spend quality time with friends or family
Journal about how you’re feeling
Take some deep breaths
Try learning something new
Write a letter to a loved one
Sit and be still for 10 minutes
Listen to your favorite music
Go for a long walk in nature
Cook or order in your favorite meal
Read a book
Do a digital detox
Go to your favorite place
Read inspirational quotes
Get some sleep
Organize or rearrange your space
Exercise in a way that feels good for you
Write down 5 things you’re grateful for
Need even more ideas? Here's the list in it's entirety: