It's a brand new year! What's going to help you start off 2022 on the right foot? Here's some ideas to get you thinking about prioritizing your mental health this month.

🡪Wanting to get a little more movement in your life? Take a walk, find a you tube video, or do a few minutes of good old fashioned floor exercises or calisthenics.
🡪Need some escape time? Find a book to read from the digital library, a new game app to put on your phone, or a tv series you will enjoy.
🡪Cluttered house cluttering up your mind or emotional well being? Tackle one cupboard, closet, or shelf/counter space today to declutter.
🡪Feeling like you need to spend more time or make more memories with the fam? Step outside today to play catch, take a walk together, go to the park, or fly a kite.
🡪Feeling like some friendships have been a bit neglected with all the holiday preps and celebrations? Send a text or make a call to reconnect today.